Early Career Fellowship – February 2022

We are excited to announce a new cohort for the Early Career Fellowship 2022 program of Internet Society. This program empowers a new, diverse generation of Internet champions to have unparalleled access to world-class experts, to develop their knowledge and skills in various disciplines, with the right foundation to become future champions of the Internet.

As previously, Internet Society Belgium participated in the selection of candidates, and we can say we got extraordinary profiles from all over the world. Fellows come with fantastic projects for the good of Internet users, such as protecting civil rights, defend a free and safe Internet, education of  illiterate youth, curb online child abuse and cyberbullying, and more.

Discover all February 2022 Early Career Fellows, and if you are interested to candidate for a next twice-yearly selection, join Internet Society today.

Early Career Fellows – February 2022

Leading image credit: © Urban Pixel Lebanon

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